April 27, 2023

7 Zoom settings you didn’t know you needed

Check out our list of Zoom settings and apps that can level up your virtual meeting experience in 2023.

Whether you work in an office or remotely, Zoom has become as central to our work as Google or coffee. Zoom makes it easy for anyone to join a virtual meeting from their computer, tablet, or phone, and meet with colleagues or customers around the globe. It has truly transformed the way we work.

But since first launching way back in 2012, Zoom has grown in functionality and complexity immensely. Afterall, a webinar with 500 attendees has very different needs than a 1-on-1 meeting. Likewise, your internal meetings often require different forms of collaboration than a customer success call. In most cases, Zoom has you covered. Either through advanced settings, or an increase of third-party apps on their marketplace, but not all of these are easy to find.

Here is a list of Zoom settings and apps that can level up your virtual meeting experience.

Zoom settings you need to know about in 2023

1. Force window or full screen when screen sharing

We all have our preferences when presenting in Zoom. It can be really frustrating when you go to share a presentation and everything on your screen changes. But did you know that you can decided whether Zoom will be windowed, fullscreen windowed, or full screen when you start a screenshare?

Simply navigate to Settings > Share Screen > Window size when screen sharing to adjust the settings to your liking.

2. Draw on the screen

Did you know you can draw when other people are screen sharing? Zoom makes it easy to annotate the screen, so you can show people where to click when providing user support, or visualize your feedback on a design mockup. Stop waving your hands around and start showing exactly what you mean!

To get started, click the pencil icon in the bottom left of you zoom window after someone has started sharing their screen. You can then use the annotation tool bar to draw, type, or react to things people are sharing.

3. Automatically open your favorite Zoom app

Third-party apps on the Zoom marketplace can help you meet better. Whether through effective notetaking, increased collaboration, shared learnings, easy transcriptions, and more, there’s a Zoom app for almost everything. Notimo, for example, helps you capture and share notable moments right from your meeting. Zoom now allows you to automatically open your favorite app so it is ready to go when your meeting starts.

Simply navigate to Settings > Zoom Apps > check the box for apps you want to automatically open.

4. Automatically record your meetings (individual, recurring, or all)

Recording your meetings can be invaluable—especially when so much of your organizations knowledge is generated in Zoom meetings. However, Zoom only let’s the meeting host record to the cloud, which can be a challenge if the host can’t make a call. Easily solve this by setting up auto-recording in Zoom’s settings. You can decide if you’d like to auto record a single meeting, series of meetings, or all your meetings.

From the Zoom setting panel, navigate to Settings > Recording > Automatic Recording.

5. Join now vs. waiting room

By default, Zoom doesn't allow meeting participants to joining before the host lets them in. But oftentimes, teams (and clients alike) love a few minutes of socializing while you’re waiting for everyone to arrive.

Change your default settings by navigating to Settings > Meeting > Waiting Room.

6. Let multiple people share their screen

Do you collaborate a lot in Zoom meetings? We’ve all become used to hearing, “Can I share my screen?” and “I need you to stop sharing so I can.” But for deep brainstorming or solutioning calls, you might have more than one thing you need to share. Zoom let’s multiple people share at the same time, so you can jump from seeing a presentation to analytics in your CRM without the awkward screen passing.

You can find this setting by going to Settings > In Meeting > Screensharing.

7. Share your Zoom window

Need to show your colleagues how to change some of these cool new settings in Zoom? Or perhaps you want to demo a Zoom app you’re developing. Well we have good news, you can now share your Zoom screens when sharing. This also allows you to maintain the same Zoom window on another monitor while sharing your screen.

Simply navigate to the Share Screen > Window size when screen sharing > Select: Show my Zoom Windows to other participants when I am screen sharing.

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